Organisme de formation agréé par arrêté ministériel du 10.08.2016
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Taryn Filauro
- my profileDisplay nameTaryn FilauroStatusPsychotherapistJobtypeSelf-employed, EmployedFinancial participationFree, Refunded by the CNSLanguagesLuxembourgish, French, GermanAccept traineesMaster in Psychology, Psychology Degree obtained
- ExpertiseTarget groupsAdultsReason for counselingOther
- MapOrganisation 1Organisation 1CHEMAddress 1rue E. Mayrisch L-4005 Esch/AlzetteTel 1+352 5711 81912Organisation 2Organisation 2Taryn FilauroAddress 214-16, av. Lentz L-3509 DudelangeTel 2691 388 344 (consultations en libéral les mercredis)
- Contact form