Organisme de formation agréé par arrêté ministériel du 10.08.2016


The Luxembourgish Psychological Society (SLP) adopted a Code of Ethics in 2001 whose objective is to provide guidance in professional practice and to resolve ethical issues as well as possible conflicts encountered by psychologists in their practice (diagnosis, advice, psychotherapy, research, supervision etc.).

Membership in the SLP implies a commitment to ethical values and respect for the Professional Code of Conduct.


The SLP Code of Ethics aims to protect the well-being and protection of people who interact with psychologists, the promotion of ethics and the guarantee of high quality psychological services. In its structure and content it is inspired by the principles of the Charter of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA).

Download SLP Code of Ethics (Download)

Download EFPA Charter [Download]

Download EFPA charter [Download]

At the national level, the SLP Code of Conduct is recognized by several psychological associations



The SLP provides advice and support on ethical issues and rules on malpractice complaints against its members. In 2006, the Advisory Commission on Ethics (CCD) was established to regularly evaluate the Code of Conduct and to advise on its application and interpretation in a given context.

Internal Regulations of the Advisory Commission on Ethics [Download]



For SLP members concerning professional questions:

  • Guidance and information on ethical matters
  • Collegiate support in managing complicated ethical situations

E-mail  to Sylvie Langermann of the CCD ( with a copy to SLP (


For clients/patients:

  • For questions about the professional behaviour of a member of the SLP
  • To make a complaint against a member of the SLP

E-mail  to SLP (

Download the “Complaints Regulations” [Download]

In the context of the complaint, the CCD takes on the task of clarifying the situation and, if possible, reaching conciliation (Article.15 of the Complaints Regulations) by fostering dialogue between the parties (Article 11 of the Complaints Regulations).



Members of the CCD (mandated from 2021 to 2026)

Dr. Denise Reding-Jones

Sylvie Langermann

Member Profil
Valérie Kersten

Member Profil
Elisabeth Seimetz

Member Profil
Elizabeth Pütz

Maîtrise en Droit international public et privé
Master 2 en Droits de l’Homme
Tres Michel

MemberEnseignant de philosophie (Enseignement secondaire classique et général)
Formateur disciplinaire à l’IFEN (Formation des enseignants de philosophie)
Maître en philosophie, mention en esthétique


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