
Psychologists are scientifically trained experts in psychological functioning and human behavior. They obtain their qualification by completing a 5-year university degree in psychology with at least 300 ECTS.

Psychologists work in very different professional fields, such as clinical psychology, in school settings and education, in workplace environment, in the social sector or as an expert witness in court.

Psychologists offer you professional help in many different fields of work to help you cope efficiently with your issues !

The profession of psychologist is not yet regulated by law.

Clinical psychologists are specifically trained in the field of mental disorders. Many of them are also accredited as psychotherapist.

Psychotherapists are psychologists or physicians (mostly psychiatrists) with additional training in psychotherapy recognized by the state.

Psychotherapy is a targeted, professional, long-term treatment of mental disorders and illnesses using a psychotherapeutic method. Clarify with your psychotherapist whether psychotherapeutic treatment is appropriate.

The practice of psychotherapy is regulated by law.

With clinical psychologists

In contrary to most European countries and other health professions in Luxembourg, consultations with self-employed clinical psychologists in Luxembourg are not reimbursed by the CNS (health insurance).

In some public and state-approved centres and hospitals, services are free or require a reduced co-payment.

Children and adolescents can be cared for free of charge by the ONE (Office national de l'enfance).

Various supplementary health insurances allow partial reimbursement of costs. Please enquire with them.

At the psychotherapist

Psychotherapy is covered by health insurance in Luxembourg.
You can find more information here

In some public and state-approved facilities as well as in hospitals, services are free of charge or require a reduced co-payment.

Children and adolescents can be cared for free of charge by the ONE (Office national de l'enfance).

Various supplementary health insurances allow partial reimbursement of costs. Please enquire with them.

Do you need professional help from a psychologist or psychologist-psychotherapist?

In this register you will find experts from the various fields of psychology who will be pleased to offer you professional help.

Use the filters to find the help you require. You can select different criteria in each drop-down field.

If the desired category is not available, use keywords (e.g. AHDS, IQ test, bullying, etc.) or names in the full text search.

The results of your search are displayed below the filters.

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